Carnival Row

Carnival Row

Aug. 29, 2019
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10 4 votes



Orlando Bloom isRycroft
Rycroft "Philo" Philostrate
Cara Delevingne isVignette Stonemoss
Vignette Stonemoss
Karla Crome isTourmaline Larou
Tourmaline Larou
Indira Varma isPiety Breakspear
Piety Breakspear
Tamzin Merchant isImogen Spurnrose
Imogen Spurnrose
Simon McBurney isRunyan Millworthy
Runyan Millworthy
Arty Froushan isJonah Breakspear
Jonah Breakspear
Jared Harris isAbsalom Breakspear
Absalom Breakspear
Andrew Gower isEzra Spurnrose
Ezra Spurnrose


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Carnival Row
Carnival Row
Carnival Row
Carnival Row
Título original Carnival Row
TMDb Rating 8.1 525 votes
Primeiro ep. Aug. 29, 2019
Último ep. Aug. 29, 2019
Temporadas 1
Episódios 8
Duração média 52 minutos

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