The Gulf

The Gulf

Aug. 26, 2019
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7 1 vote




Kate Elliott isD.S.S Jess Savage
D.S.S Jess Savage
Ido Drent isD.S. Justin Harding
D.S. Justin Harding
Jeffrey Thomas isDoug Bennington
Doug Bennington
Mark Mitchinson isD.I. Ivan Petrie
D.I. Ivan Petrie
Dahnu Graham isA.J. Jackson
A.J. Jackson
Alison Bruce isSen. Sgt. Denise Abernethy
Sen. Sgt. Denise Abernethy
Pana Hema-Taylor isP.C. Rory Kerr
P.C. Rory Kerr
Ross Brannigan isSen. P.C Paul (Pup) Phillips
Sen. P.C Paul (Pup) Phillips
Bede Skinner isAlex Parsons
Alex Parsons
Timmie Cameron isRuby Savage
Ruby Savage


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The Gulf
Título original The Gulf
TMDb Rating 6.3 4 votes
Primeiro ep. Aug. 26, 2019
Último ep. Mar. 02, 2021
Temporadas 2
Episódios 7

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